I am Kenneth M. Valenzuela Fisher and I hope to be your next 49th District Congressman. The March 2002 Primary is coming soon approaching and I ask for your volunteer help to make my campaign a success. Please fill out this card and mail it to: Kenneth M. Valenzuela Fisher, P.O. Box 8095, Anaheim CA 92812-8095. Thank you for your positive action that will benefit all of us.
I would like to hear from you. You may e-mail me at fisherin2002@yahoo.com or,call me at (714) 776-8855.
Yes! These are the ways I would like to help: ____________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________
Yes! I would like to have your political sign in my yard/business (Yes/No): _________
Yes! I would like to make a donation of $: __________________
Name: _____________________________ Phone: _______________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________ |