Back According to Websters Dictionary, Politic means having practical wisdom; prudent; expedient as a plan. The noun Politician comes from this root and can mean Public Servant not Public Served! Unfortunately in today's scene, the first question anyone will ask you when you express a desire to become a Public Servant is not "what do you stand for, what are your values but "How much money do you have behind you?" Because of this the field of government service has become pretty much a field reserved for the wealthy who desire more wealth and power often at the expense of the American people. This sad state of affairs has to be addressed and that is one of the reasons why I have placed myself in this race. Another serious problem is the power of incumbency, and this has happened because those already in power have promulgated laws that make it extremely difficult to challenge this self-serving system. As your Congressional Representative, I hope and pray to address this problem, and I intend to do so without violating our God given Constitution. |